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A TRIP THROUGH MEDYKA : SHEGINI 2012 / Articles, Featured, Transport / A TRIP THROUGH MEDYKA : SHEGINI 2012

summary SUMMARY

You will find the story of this looks like directions, crossing the boundary of Poland - Ukraine. I had to overcome the route in two pages for a distance of Lublin- Przemyśł - Medyka - Szeginie - Drohobych by public transport. Similarly, the look can route with Rzeszowa, Jarosław Estates, whether the other Polish cities Lviv, Drohobych, Truskawca, etc. I also updated the schedules for bus station in Szeginie. Myśle that you will help this information, purchase of tickets

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CATEGORY OF ARTICLE: Articles, Featured, Transport April 20, 2012, 23:02


I had this week Tuesday (17.04.2012) make a quick journey Drohobych – Lublin by crossing Szeginie – Medyka using available bus services, the car could reach for a short. And then on Wednesday quickly return.

Rozmieściłem in the end, the article also up-to-date timetables of buses after Ukraine in SZEGINIE ( MEDYKA)

I'm personally for many years associated with the Lublin, not least from this, that I spent years student at the Polytechnic. The route of travel, defeated already many times.

The route mainly can crawl through cities such as Lviv, Truskavets, Sambor, Mostyska, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Biłgoraj, Rzeszów, Lublin and other.

If I needed to quickly move the buses are not included in the game.


First, "the road from Lublin to Drohobycz ( proved to Lviv), and later looked like a journey from Drohobycz to Lublin


Actually In LUBLIN – LVIV

The road from Lublin to Drohobycz announced to be interesting;) Just as with the Drohobycz to Lublin, the later.

In Lublin załatwiłem all matters about 14. At the station I was about 14:30.


I had to check the bus to Lviv ( tłucze be 6-9 hours). Are 3 buses per day!

Or where to get the bus to the city for the 3 hours. And as already other busami.

The bus was too late ( left unless the wheel 14:20) so I was waiting for 14.40 on the bus. The Cost Of 32 zł


O 18 I was in Przemyśl.

And here started having difficulties. Busy to Medyki the latter tend to be near 17:30. I Knew I, as an alternative there are buses MZK 9 and 13 from the bus stop in the Centre ( unless the ul. Jagiellonian). I Didn't Have 20 minutes on the bus and the bus also was not. Residents allege, that 9 series, but with the schedules and the MZK PRZEMYŚL disappeared this bus-spectrum.

I am back on PKS.

Rozeznałem alternatives. There were two. Bus to Lviv ( for 1.5 hours ) or the bus that goes to the nearby village of 18:40 by Medykę.

I travel by bus to the local.  Little by little it became clear, that may be a problem with transport after the Ukrainian side. Because Ukraine was already 19:40!

The driver spoke, that it will pass close to passing MEDYKA. Bus unfortunately dowiózł me only to mark Medyka and I had not yet 10 minutes walk to the pedestrian crossing.


Is 19:10.

The passage was calmly. Only a small queue of people shopping. For 10 minutes, defeated the entire transition. After the gateway through which enters in the page I saw the queue Polish ściśniętą on at least 50 people.


Time is flying fast as is needed. Dochodzę to bus station, you need to turn on the first crossroads ( 50 metres from the gate of entry) to the left. And yet 50 m go. As someone not in this area is difficult to see it now.

As I saw with up-to-date schedules only at about this time, for me this was the bus to Lviv. The last is about 21:00 time of the Ukrainian ( 20:00 Polish). I had to wait 30 minutes.

If different time of day, You can get either now to Drohobycz, or with the flights Mościska – Sambor – Drohobych.

Well, that I could stay in Lviv, otherwise you had to look for other alternatives.

The Cost Of: 32 Golden + 21 hrywnia. Time : To Lviv 7 hours. + 1.5 the Drohobycz.



Below ( in the next few days) will the current schedules of all the buses at the station in SZEGINIE.




An example of travel by bus, at the same time the simplest was to travel from Drohobych in Lviv bus ( 1.5 h.), and then by bus Lviv-Lublin ( 6-9 hours ). Total 7.5-10.5 hours. At this section of the road is very long time.

I had luck, that my colleague understanding he had to go to the city, so the episode of Drohobych-Medyka-Przemyśl, defeated easily and quickly. Although after the Ukrainian side of the road are in fatalnym condition and directions lasted approximately 2 hours over a distance of 90 PS.

Unfortunately, the waiting time at the border caused the, the direct bus from the city to the Lublin not zdążyłem ( It is about 10 and unless the 18-19). So I had to rely on directions of flights. Unfortunately proved everything depends on luck and connections between certain cities are fatal.

And so in turn.



We went by car until 8 at. Preferably going earlier. The road is red. 2 hours/90 PS

Are busy. Hours of departures/in this moment I don't know.


Medyka is a transition as a pedestrian and car. Queue this plague each transition. Calculate how many will pass the border is not possible.

Unfortunately people often moving across the border for the purposes of sales and purchases in the border region impede tourists force travellers to next and which has very limited time.

On the transition of the car is TAX FREE shop-where most alcohol is sold.


If you are in the Medyce. For hours 18 are busy you can get to the city. Cost Money 2 zł. Were also buses 9 and 13 ( but unless something happened to them).

After walking some 50 meters, there is Biedronka, kantor is also,  You can eat something.


In Przemyśl is the easiest directions to Jarosław estates, perhaps to Rzeszowa also ( If someone knows more please write). The New trains ( unless 2), busy ( 2 per day 10 and 18-19) and mainly in the direction of Lublin nothing more!

If I was late for the bus on the 10 the time remaining until I get to somewhere closer to the.


For 5 $ dojechałem to Jarosław estates ( already closer to the:) ). I had hoped, the next will be easy access to Biłgoraja. But I was very disappointed.  As the buses and trains, there is very little.

I was sure that it will be a direct connection with the Lublin PKP ( but this is from 27.04.2012 in the vicinity of the 13-14 h).

A busów,In addition to what is in the city of Lublin, in general there is no!

Zwiedziłem former Soviet station in Yaroslavl. Zbadałem distributions of the PKP, PKS and Busów I was disappointed, but ready to continue their journey.

As far as the bus was for one and a half hours, I decided to take something which takes me next.

I saw the bus to Rzeszowa, I knew I, that of Rzeszowa to get on 100% for Lublin, bywałem in Rzeszów multiple times.

Is also a bus from Przeworsk to Biłgoraj 2 times a day. From the Biłgoraj run very often busy to Lublin


For $ 7.50 and hour away, defeated 60 km and I was at a monument to Rzeszów.

Z Rzeszowa is at least 6 busów and access is easier. However, the time I had to wait. On 14.40 is the bus Galicia. Regular ticket cost 35zł.


The Bus came close 18 and thus I have reached the objective “only” for 10 hours, What is fatalnym sometimes. But I was on the spot and this consisted of. Came to me a bit less than the bus, But even imagine pozwiedzałem.

Travel cost approximately 60 zł



In the best conditions of travel by public transport on this route takes approximately 6-7 hours. The worst is the same as the slow-moving buses IKARUS BUS.

Directions from busami flights is always different, in most is faster and less expensive for buses. Unfortunately there are sometimes exceptions.

Overall, I am satisfied with this that things worked. Thought, that many of you may have similar problems so I hope you will be at all prepared.

Coming by public transport across the border is always favour niewiadoma, Masovian Voivodeship.


These are the schedules busów towards Lwów, Drohobych, Sambora, Mościsk and other localities. Hours are time Ukrainian. Please check before the time difference in time.


Good luck.  And please tell about your travel across the border of the Polish-Ukrainian.


Best regards from the team NieznanaUkraina.

Yuriy Chernets





ganador wrote/MiG, June 7, 2012 , 00:23

interested in me communications on the route Lviv-Medyka. I select the game 10 June 2012 to Lviv and the return, preferably right after the match approximately 24-1 local time. Motorbikes there busy? How much does it cost in euro taxi Lviv-Medyka?
I count on help.
Best regards

    Yuri wrote, June 7, 2012 , 08:59

    scheduled there at that time.
    This might be, that someone with the owners busów decides to organise such transport. Unfortunately, there's no certainty is not.
    Taxi normally costs around 20euro, but knowing the tradition that during a match might be even several times above,
    even can not believe how much.
    I think the games are scheduled, that fans must stalker stay on the spot.
    Best regards, to hear

Sylwia wrote/MiG, June 11, 2012 , 20:45

Many thanks for the timetable 🙂
I select to Lviv after matches and interested in me, What time there the last bus from Lviv to Szeginie. I want a plan that one day for sightseeing, and unfortunately I can not be longer.

Krzys wrote/MiG, June 14, 2012 , 23:39

jade 17. for a match to Lviv from Krakow. It was cheap we autem (5 people who like fuel overlooks less than pociagem) to Przemysla. The Euro is a special pociag 12 but we want to go a little bit later. The best along and when? The match begins, about 21:45 (time to Ukrainian).
However, pociagem's back will odjezdza Info 2 from Lviv. Sure zdazymy of the stadium at the station? Slyszalem with this kawal road…

Yuri wrote, June 15, 2012 , 18:54

Sylwia, Unfortunately these contours I have, from Lviv not podróżowałem never late times.
Krzysztof knows something more on this topic. Maybe something for dinner or you?

Krzysztof,as to whether to wyrobicie, It is difficult for me to judge, for busy people, that may not be the quick road. Check on the map as it is a way, Lviv is not so big, so you want to learn, but you should think about something redundant, If something is.

    Krzys wrote/MiG, June 15, 2012 , 20:37

    17. riding a special Euro pociag to Lviv (Dubai, Krakow, Prezmysl, Lvov). O 02:02 odjezdza back. O 03:30 will be in Of. From there you have e.g.. pociag to Krakow Info 5

Artur wrote/MiG, June 16, 2012 , 10:05

Hello Chris ! As to the distance from the stadium to the railway station – This is a very large distance, so I don't recommend to go on foot. Yuri has the ration, will the piston, thousands of fans, but sądze that it will be a night of relationship communication: STADIUM STATION, STADIUM-CENTRE, STADION-AIRPORT ! Or taxi, but you better not take it at the same stadium (where will piekielnie drogo of champagne), and 1 km away, There are already more stable prices – you do look tyklo, that you know what it costs and that no driver will fool you 🙂 You say it gives so much – because so much is, and as you do not want to dowidzenia – another will take ! At the time of the EURO city will be active by 24 h – so do not worry !

Sylwia, night on the border is not busów (ply from 6:00 until 21:00), so the best option is to train: more convenient, You can relax … drink 🙂 but more expensive !

Best regards,


Lee wrote/MiG, July 07 10, 2012 , 09:57

Hey, (a) whether such a bus from Szegiń to Lviv takes me, If I'm with bicycle? Alternatively, whether it is in the village railway station? Best regards.

    Yuriy Сhernets said, July 07 10, 2012 , 10:11

    Hey Lee! Unfortunately, with the Eiffel Tower not da Council. There is a railway station at which people dosiadają and riding to Lviv. I remember, the Group of tourists jechała with me from under the border to Mościsk, and after the middle of the road they later turned to this railway station. After ukraińsku as spytasz : “Do you zavezete mene, on zaliznychnu stanciju. Meni treba to Lviv.” Except that this is again with a bicycle not da Council. You need to get on the bike to the stancji. But I, at this point I don't know dear. Can someone Associates?

gośka wrote/MiG, July 07 30, 2012 , 15:44

Small question- whether a given distribution with the station in Szeginie is valid on all days of the week, also on Sundays?

    Yuriy Сhernets said, July 07 30, 2012 , 17:16

    Hello! This is a good question. But unfortunately I do not know the 100%.
    At the station nothing writes about this.
    Can someone at practice knows?

    Yuriy Сhernets said, August 6, 2012 , 20:28

    I have a very up-to-date information. So should these distributions apply. Should I write, bo with the public trasportem in Ukraine 100% You can never have, always good to have additional options.

King wrote/bathrooms, December 26, 2012 , 16:33

Hello, and you know maybe how to Lviv from Peremyshl change vehicle looks in Medyka on new year's Eve? We want to go 30 December and return immediately 1 January. Will kursowac any autibusy?

    Yuriy Сhernets said, December 26, 2012 , 16:53


    30 December of Medyka to Lviv to be ok. But already 1 January is a non-working day, and here I am not sure of the answer, because this is a 50/50.
    In my opinion, will be busy and on this day, because someone will want to cash in on the carriage.
    I suggest you find out on the driver 30 December, What will be the situation, then write here. Also prepare just in case, on the back of the morning 2 January.

Eve wrote/bath, April 2, 2013 , 13:06

I have a question I'm going to Lviv 1 may-labor day and I'm back 5 may-Easter in Ukraine, they were of shegyni Lviv to Marshrutkas, and vice versa, whether somewhere is available the holiday schedule, very please help

    Yuriy Сhernets said, April 3, 2013 , 10:12

    I have to disappoint you but the concept of actual bus timetables in Ukraine is still utopia. There are different rights than in Poland. You coming in such times, It is safer to go a little bit on other days. From previous experience of different holidays in Ukraine say that access should be, but really bury so experiment, because i can not be. Please let us know later!

Jovita wrote/bath, April 4, 2013 , 17:12

Hi all, whether the above timetable marshrutek shall apply in all days of the week? In advance thank you for answer, greet!

Yuriy Сhernets said, April 9, 2013 , 11:18

Jovita, bus schedules so in Szczeginie are the same all week.

Michael wrote/bath, April 12, 2013 , 17:01

Hello! Where can I find the bus schedule from Lviv to Szehyni? They depart from the position 5 the main station? How to get there from the market?

Best regards

Luke wrote/bath, April 16, 2013 , 10:29

Hi! many probably chooses to wintering and has concerns about the availability of buses from the border to Lviv in these days. Option is cheaper and a – train from Shegyni to Lviv for 11 UAH. Any info on this site :
the current distribution to
choose to be a combination of Lviv-Mostiska II and some going to the ДЕРЖ. КОРДОН or in Shegyni.
Best regards

Yuriy Сhernets said, April 17, 2013 , 15:14

Luke Hi!
Busy jeżdża the same as and trains in Ukraine. Here there is no difference.
As far as I remember it the train departs from the border, and so you have to reach to bus stop, or taxi,
It is about 2-3 km and therefore cheaper does not go! More or less the same money.

NOTE!!! the first link with the previous comment is not up-to-date information!
2011 year is not very fresh Info, and the price of 11grywni probably already changed towards growth.

Also I do not understand what is the convenience and osczedność from the train?

Luke wrote/bath, April 17, 2013 , 20:14

Well, there is, however, a firmer timetable are trains in my opinion. On the page that already gave :
There is a map of rail in Western Ukraine with exactly described distances between stations/stops. Next to it is a link table of charges for commuter trains, and according to her, the price still is 11UAH. It is really a matter of trivial 4 zł groszami difference in relation to the Marshrutkas, and actually I think an hour is no longer beating niewarto train for this saving. But in a situation when there is no other way it's good to know about this option and go to the 1800 m (distance from the train stop). Too bad it would have been without the trip to the Ukraine already at the stage of its planning, by virtue of 20 minute walk.

Luke wrote/bath, April 17, 2013 , 20:17

and! and where my confidence that the train is: in the timetable information ЦІЛИЙ РІК ЩОДЕННО what as far as I understand it means ” Every day, throughout the year”

Yuriy Сhernets said, April 17, 2013 , 20:23

Luke, I agree with this, It's good to know all the options!
As a lifebuoy is ideal!

However, City buses run on a regular basis, because it's their money. Especially a very popular direction. There is also a large number of flights, and now super road!
On wintering ( only in Poland because Ukraine does not exist) bus ride, all in one game.

Already, for example, Drohobych is tends to be different things to do. And sometimes unsavory…

And with a very bad, We in Ukraine be ready that something must be combined, because I do not know with an ever, but to go forward with a good mood;)

Luke wrote/bath, April 17, 2013 , 20:48

Of course, I do not want to here kwetionować the superiority of buses over trains in this case, but you wrote a few posts above on jeżdzie Yuriy Ukraine 1 May:”You coming in such times, It is safer to go a little bit on other days. From previous experience of different holidays in Ukraine say that access should be, but really bury so experiment, because i can not be” Some might like to scare off this, also, and I because I also 1 may I in Medyka and so ku after krzepieniu other is a portion of a train information. But I certainly agree every one that with no need for ” "Choosing a doubt as a philosophy of life is so, How to choose stillness as a way of movement in space. " I cordially greet and really great site, I read carefully 🙂

Yuriy Сhernets said, April 20, 2013 , 13:05

Thank You Luke! I forgot that so I wrote;)I had more in mind that quieter take about one day earlier, to wogule do not bother;) Because I always like going to transport in Ukraine, I'm not sure what made me meet adventure;) but it is pleasant, some minor problems gradually solved is a pleasure. This is probably a sure charm of Ukraine.

And solutions are always, because there is only one means of transport is available, and there are always people who can someone podwiązą, whether it is per pair thanks UAH, you might want to count on success.

Returning to the themes of the various holidays and transport at this time. The more popular the direction ( eq. Lviv) the more often and more confident ride bus, trains, people in private cars.

Thanks for the kind words! I encourage you to write your own stories from the trip, We will place for all readers!

Rafal wrote/bath, April 22, 2013 , 08:07

Hi. We are in June to choose a Ukrainian in Bieszczady. We want to take the bus from Shegyni to Sambora and continue by train to Sianek. Whether posted here the distribution will continue to be active?? Does anyone know how long does the bus trip to Sambora, and what is more or less the cost of?

    Yuriy Сhernets said, April 26, 2013 , 15:13

    The journey takes an hour. The distribution is expected to be the current.
    P.S. I asked if someone will be at the station abroad do photos of schedules.

Rafal wrote/bath, May 9, 2013 , 14:10

Thanks for your reply. I'll try to take pictures of this distribution in June podeślę.

Eve wrote/bath, May 19, 2013 , 16:30

1may and 5 May (Easter) Marshrutkas were as on a weekday

Andrew wrote/bath, May 29, 2013 , 17:13

Does anyone know how to get the most from the Medyka Komarna.

Jonecky wrote/bath, June 16, 2013 , 13:20

Bus ticket can cost from Shegyni to Lviv, and how long does it take to travel ?

Rafal wrote/bath, June 28, 2013 , 09:44

As promised I, that timetable given here is still current. I was a week ago in Ukraine and checked. You can safely use.

Christian wrote/bath, July 07 11, 2013 , 13:14

for the week it arrives to the city and i want to know as soon as I get to Medyka. If busy to leave border from the train or bus station ?


    Yuriy Сhernets said, July 07 15, 2013 , 21:15

    From the train station. If a straight look at the entrance to the station is busy on the right.

Michael B wrote/bath, August 5, 2013 , 17:13

What do I expect to see the earliest morning bus from Shegyni to Lviv? If anyone knows the current timetable for August 2013? In Singapore we are about 2 At night:( The border plan to cross on foot. About h. 9 We need to be in to pick up a ticket at the box office on the train (train departs 09:38 time of the Ukrainian). A bus around noon. 7 or earlier would come in handy. Does anyone have any ideas? Best regards.

Tom wrote/bath, August 20, 2013 , 16:28

How much does a bus on the road: Szeginie – Lviv?
Still have a question that's always hard to answer, but: how much I need the hryvnia for three days stay? A trip to the pub, beer, dinner, etc… 🙂

    Yuriy Сhernets said, August 20, 2013 , 20:32

    Not that difficult, but, as always, depends on the. The same as in Poland in such things + 20% just in case if too much poniesło. Ticket for the 20-30hrywni

Maciek wrote/bath, September 7, 2013 , 11:31

Hello! How often do on Sunday you can catch the bus from Lviv Medyka? Is it worth it to go on foot and then take the Shegyni route?

Daniel wrote/bath, November 7, 2013 , 00:13

Hello. Does anyone know what hours you can catch the bus from Lviv to Szeginie? There are only shown in the Schedules page of the city.

On the train to how often he rides with Moscisk in the Lviv?

Tomasz wrote/MiG, June 28, 2017 , 02:31

Part or busy with shegyni to Lviv still valid ?



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