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summary SUMMARY

Buying train tickets on long-distance trains in Ukraine - has always been a problem of tourists traveling on a huge in European-scale, Ukraine. In the absence of good road links and airports - train journey is the basis, for people traveling to the Crimea, Kiev, Kharkiv, Odessa and other large cities in eastern and southern Ukraine. Therefore, in today's article, we'll try to bring you closer to a "ticket problem", which tourists often experience on their own skin. We introduce and we will show you how to solve tickets problem! So stay tuned ... purchase of tickets

If you are looking for something similar, check RELATED ENTRIES at the end of this article.

CATEGORY OF ARTICLE: Articles, Other July 07 5, 2011, 11:00

Rail Ticket

Rail ticket – two words, which often cause a big headache when planning a trip to Ukraine ! Frequent lack of railway ticket in ticket offices (especially in Lviv), lack of information about the trains, total "merging" of tourists at the railway ticket and information offices , rudeness of railway workers and overnight at the station - these are everyday problems, which for years did not change, We of course hope that change ...!  The reason for this is "Assimilated corruption in the Ukrainian Railways ""

If it already happened, that you met situation with no tickets, certainly do not need to fall into despair, and certainly do not have to give up on a fascinating journey. You only need to change the approach and slightly change the mentality - going into the skin, "common" Ukrainian.


And therefore, what should you do, to ease the journey and for 100% get the ticket ?

Invariably tou should be well familiar with the route of travel and specificity of "Ukrainian Railways".


Ukrainian Railways : Specificity

  • Ukrainian Railway – is a monopolist in the market for rail services (transport people and goods);
  • There are no other carriers, the prices are dictated from above;
  • Outdated rolling stock. Trains of higher class usually run on destinations: Lviv-Kiev, Lviv-Kharkiv, Kharkiv-Donetsk, Kharkiv-Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa-Kyiv. .. and other;
  • Warming wagons and water is by coal;
  • In all the long-distance trains are mandatory sits (beds). Only in the suburban trains, you can sit (anywhere);
  • All long-distance trains, are sleeping, beds are everywhere, couches ... the lack of seats (an exception is suburban trains / Polish passenger trains);
  • There are wagons lower (ukr. плацкарт / eng. plackart) and higher class (ukr. купе / eng. coupe). The latter are better and more convenient (but more expensive), the first are less convenient and crowded (but cheaper);
  • Place in long-distance train - Means to hold the seat / ticket;
  • In each wagon works a minimum of one person (usually two) – (ukr. провідник пасажирського вагону) -pol. PROWIDNYK PASAŻYRŚKOGO WAGON, who is an employee of rail, the person responsible for the wagon., checking tickets, order, the discipline (Unfortunately, only in the ideal), issue sheets, Tea preparation, Warming of the wagon and to inform the passenger about the appropriate station and timetable (Unfortunately, it is not always so, as should be);
  • In each train should be a branch of the militia, who is watching an order;
  • Officially is to prohibit alcohol consumption and smoking on the train (but it is in the ideal);
  • Are buffets and "restaurants wagons / cantine”, There are also sales persons carrying: alcohol, cigarettes, snacks ...


Invariably, "god", boss and the "lord of life and death" in a railroad wagon is "PROVIDNYK". This person, or two persons, are able to take care of everything- of course for the MONEY !!! They know everyone and everything (The Militia, Train Head, regulations ...).


Prepare for travel and the purchase of a ticket ?

Of course, the easiest and surest way to purchase a ticket, is its buying of 45 a day in advance if this is the summer or Christmas. At the normal period you should buy a ticket in advance 2 week-month.

However, buying a ticket from another country (for example, from Poland) is very cumbersome. Internet portals do not guarantee a trouble ticket, problems with cards and carrying out transactions are unfortunately the realities of the Ukrainian approach to innovation. We often do not know when we will have a vacation or whether we will go at all. Therefore, tourists often go "blindly" – and then face the problem of lack of tickets!

We recommend that you so avoid difficult situations and lead to purchase tickets ahead of time!


First of all doczytając to the end of the article you will find out what are the possibilities for independent settlement tickets!

After the second in situations when you cannot purchase tickets on their own, I am able to help:

  • purchase tickets for all calls in Ukraine with a minimum Commission of receiving tickets in each hand in Ukraine.
  • with the purchase of tickets for international calls (which can be booked exclusively in health insurance in Ukraine)

Many of you prayers for assistance in purchasing tickets, but not all can I help, especially when it comes to a few tickets. Therefore,:

  • CONTACT. Please contact lead directly on through : Przyjaciele – NieznanaUkraina. Group: Ukrainian Railways – Ukrainian Railways. Questions and requests for purchase of tickets I'm responding alevins there.
  • SERIOUS APPROACH. Please seriously approached to ask for purchase, because I have limited time. How are you sure only Piszcie.
  • FEES. In this connection, that it is time consuming, the charge for the purchase of the tickets will be 50 zł (Once irrelevant how many tickets) + 10% ticket values (min. 1ozł).
  • EXPRESS PURCHASE. Purchase tickets for several days before departure, even a week please conduct yourself, because in such situations not to me to help you.
  • MAKING A PURCHASE. Purchase can be made only after the transfer of a sum of values and commissions on WBK'S account in Poland.
  • THE SHIPMENT: To convey information from the system to purchase tickets, to receive tickets or what kind of box office UkrZaliznyci. Possible reception in Drohobych, or shipping of Polish.

I am doing this for the sole purpose of the aid, (a) costs only cover my time zatraty.

Next scan State on what to do if przyjechaliście, a lack of tickets.

And if it's too late to buy tickets ahead of time .... What to do ? How to deal with?

An example of a situation of lack of tickets:

"… group of few persons comes from Poland to Lviv. Youth goes to the capital, but they still need to get to Kiev (600 km). ... They go to the cashier and ask for tickets Lviv-Kyiv for today, or max tomorrow. Lady in the window corresponds to: -"I'm Sorry, but there are no tickets, has been sold out long ago ... " ! Analogous corresponds to your lady from information office ! And what to do ? Everyone is desperate, panic, vacation was planned long ago, and you can't get here … „

For sure the tickets are, simply artificially difficulty is created. This is a standard trick, railway workers applies. Only a few years ago, To purchase a ticket at the rail office, you had to show a valid ID with photo (passport, ID, driving licence, a student ID card), ticket was a personal. When boarding the train you presented it to PROVIDNYK, He verified the data and would let the wagon, to the designated place on the ticket ... . This was always, but the obligation of showing document when buying and boarding - was cancelled ! And this, in turn,, began to foster corruption.

Exception when there are really no tickets at all, is for the most common directions in the most saturated period for tourism, eq. Trip to the Crimea in August. ( You can read about trip to Crimea in 2010 year). Then buying a ticket during under the week is associated with a miracle, and often before for a month-two it is no longer possible.


What to do in a situation of lack of tickets for the train ?

Unfortunately in this situation is not so much to choose from. But with good faith, you can achieve a lot!


  • Scattering of the group after the tickets offices and waiting, until someone brings a ticket to return.

It may seem at first glance it is less reliable, but tickets are returned often.  Least stresowym solution is to arrange accommodation in Lviv ( while trying sightseeing, for instance by dividing into smaller groups). Proven method, but you must reckon with the fact that part of the group can go earlier, other part later. Certainty: low-medium;

  • Turning to rail office in half an hour ( and the best an hour)  to departure in order to clarify whether the place appeared, that were "under reservation", i.e. at booking. This places Railway holds on any train. Certainty: low;
  • Finding a special office, which can search for and order tickets for other connections and directions.
  • Ticket office is called a : „Cервіс - центр по обслуговуванню пасажирів (eng. Service-Center for servicing passangers). Personally tested method in Simferopol (week before the return), but the cost of the ticket and time travel increased (Instead of 24 hours straight to Lviv, we went to Kiev, and then to Lviv, with the difference in the arrival/departure of trains 5 hours, travel time for 10 hours) . For every ticket pays a 20 hrn (so if 1 you have transfer ticket is more expensive for 40 hrn). Certainty: low-medium;
  • Custom action, emergency, if nothing else no longer results in, and we have to go:
    • Choose one person from group, who understands and speaks some Russian, or Ukrainian (of course, if such person is);
    • Is 1 h. till the departure of train;
    • You go on the platform, where it is already substituted train ("providnyk", usually stands at her wagon and checks the tickets);
    • We are looking for "providnyk", but such, for which there are no crowds, who stands alone;
    • We stand on the side and send the one chosen person to "providnyk"; You should not create crowd, silently, calmly – one person;
    • We walk up and talk calmly: „… Good morning, is this situation. In ticket office there are no tickets, the information office does not provide good information ..., there are six of us (for example,) and we go to Kiev. If you can "organize" several places in this train ? No matter what class and which wagon, even if places are scattered throughout the train. We are willing to pay 150-200% ticket values !!! … Could Mr / Ms. help us ? … „.
    • We are waiting for a response, which may be: Please wait, just see what we can do, please go inside (As for this one person), or in the extreme case not;
    • "Prowvdnyk", sets with the head of the train, take the money (there no more ticket offices no longer);
    • Calmly we do what he says, we go to the proper wagon;
    • Behave calmly, everybody knows and see everything;
    • We thank and we're going to Kiev.

Certainty: medium-high; Honesty: VERY LOW;

On the train are always places. People get in and get off at various railway stations - that is not posiible physically that train can be loaded on 100% ! In special cases, 'providnyk' may provide with a place in his coupe (bedded for 2 persons). This scheme works very strongly and for a long time. Train employees share a "prey", Therefore, nobody will prosecute anyone and ask to leave the train. Sometimes in an emergency, you can "bend the law" – certainly nobody of this would die, and You - certainly will reach your destination !!!

Foreigners no one will be briefly for inspection, inspection ... everybody want to earn and everybody do what they can. Certainly overnight at the station, is not a solution to this situation!

Highly advise against this method, because it better prepared for the trip earlier, rather than favour corruption in Ukraine.



Official website of "Ukrainian Railway" / Офіційний веб-сайт УкрЗалізниці:

Timetable passenger trains "and" electric passenger trains "with better comfort / Schedule of passenger trains and elektropoïzdìv increased comfort:

Commuter train schedules / Commuter passenger transportation:

We encourage you to comment on this article, and to discuss ! We are confident, that many people had problems with the acquisition of railway tickets in Ukraine. Therefore, we propose to share their own insights, for the general good !!! Of course you can also ask questions to the authors - all the questions we will answer !

Update 2015 year: And no bonus for all who doczytał to the end of the;) For some time now smoothly running system I recommend it in most cases.

Any questions please ask in the thematic group Railways Ukrainian-Ukrainian Railways





mai wrote / wa, January 26, 2012 , 14:33

Some jeździłam trains after Ukraine and very nice brings back memories of all the travel (no moment can always cross the border in return is a little demanding).
The fact of fired coal train is very climate, Mr./Mrs. Prowadnik what not to was – is always bearable and you can always count on kipiatok or tea 🙂
And, above all, travellers – especially the Ukrainians – are friendship and you can always spend the trip miles, talk… 🙂

    Yuri wrote, June 7, 2012 , 09:22

    Mai: You are right to travel are nice, because you can meet a really friendly and a great people. This is in my opinion, unlike in Poland, the whole climate of the journey by train is definitely different. Prowidnyk, as you say is always tolerable, generally, entirely disagreeable probably almost la Muette de.

    Tomasz: Hello. A lot of people to me returns for assistance in purchasing tickets, However, recently I have a lot of work and responsibilities.
    So only I can help you in buying for larger groups, so far with a few tickets not even I will pay or cost zatraty time, or registration for purchase.

    So dear, can I help in the purchase of tickets, but only if you need the added 6 tickets in two pages. In the specific cases when don't have the State of departure, I can also help you (only must be higher rake). The charge depends on the amount of, the more tickets, the less, within the limits of the 10-30% from the value.

Tomasz wrote/MiG, May 31, 2012 , 20:08

Hello, I need help in buying tickets from Kiev to Lviv on the day 2.07 for two people in a train compartment. departure from Kiev in the afternoon or evening so that in the morning be in Lviv. Then bus to the city. What is the price of the tickets and the State commissions. best regards Thomas

Rdn wrote/MiG, June 26, 2012 , 14:57

I have a question whether something has changed in Ukraine in connection with the EURO for the purchase of tickets? I know, It is said that the new high-speed trains and “problem with tickets” There is already such a large. Whether this is true? Can these changes apply only to the high-speed (that I heard,that is very expensive)?

    Yuriy Сhernets said, June 27, 2012 , 08:50

    Personally not checked whether the purchase of tickets has changed.
    Several people wrote that book after many attempts, but the system of purchase of railways Ukrainian (as an interesting note, this company does not belonging to the same turn) rather, the product made in the knee in the basement with the lamp.
    If I remember well, this najtaniej is buying directly in hand. And the availability of seats remained at the same level. I.e. totalny chaos.
    Can someone do something about this recently with the buyers know the current?

&Mar $ wrote/MiG, June 27, 2012 , 20:55

Let me just tell about the mainline railways Poland – Ukraine, because sam had recently with this fight. As far as trains in Warsaw – Kiev is in the current timetable 2011/2012 are 2 – one is the “Chestnut” rel. Kiev Pass.- Berlin ZOO – Kiev Pass., the second is the “Kiev Coffee Maker” rel. Kiev Pass.- Warszawa Gdańska Station – Kiev Pass. Both trains are run by the railways Ukrainian UZ and lead only wagons berth. Train “Chestnut” consists of 5 wagons, “Kiev Coffee Maker” 4 wagons UZ + 1 PKP IC. The Problem is, that Railways Ukrainian have retained the right to sell tickets for these trains, and so in the case of “Chestnut” You cannot buy tickets for this train in Poland. In “Kiev Train Robbery” You can buy in Poland 3 place berth in the train PKP IC. In the period of the Euro 2012 they in addition 2 wagons of the train PKP IC in this, but the number of seats, You can buy tickets in Poland also is 3 (What is absurd!). I did these places get 3 weeks before departure. The schedule has come back “Kasztanem” and so I tried to buy him a ticket by a UZ, but it smells rich komuną. “Managed” This is me 3 total. Before you buy a reservation was written, that you can purchase a reserved tickets in hand tomorrow (rezerwowałem 04.06), or at the latest at the 2 hours before the train departs, and I've made the payment for reservations (51 UAH – Ok 23 zł). I got a confirmation of the, on which was written, I gotta get to the hours that reserved tickets 21.00 day 06.06. What was unrealistic. Actually, after 07.06 reserved space to have released, so the 23 $ lost. Any other ways to purchase tickets have proved ineffective. I read on different forums, But even in the Office of passenger service in Warsaw Mrs. final breakdown of the hands. Conductor on the train to Kiev relied, to immediately go to the cashier when you arrive and try to buy – succeeded, dostaliśmy 3 place berth in the “Chestnut” on the next day (payment only in cash), but on the train to Warsaw Gdansk already places was not. As regards the same passage is about time ... check in Dorohusk and two in Jagodinie. In Jagodinie Customs officers take passports and wagons are sliding down to the Hall where the trucks and couplers ... Exchange. At the same time ... “checking” wagons by Customs officers. Info – taking pictures is prohibited, Customs officers were taking the camera and delete them (I have to admit, not less, that is very very kind uprzejmi i ;)). After returning to the station, the Jagodin passports are returned from pieczątkami. Jagodin-Kovel train route is pulling a locomotive smoke, then to Kiev electric. Speeds are not stunning to the eye 80-110 km / h. In return wracaliśmy railway wagon UZ – at higher speeds the car settled and podskakiwał on all possible parties. It seemed, that everything is in the best order, When the Dorohuska began rozkręcanie wagons – one big smuggling, even before you find in the middle of the night to hear was the drilling machine. But this is already another fable. In General, were it not for the fact, that the entire night waiting for someone's coming przespałem not cut up my cubicle that was all in order.
I will add yet, that interview with konduktorem results, that, in addition to Euro trains Warsaw-Kiev are not too closely besieged. The prices depend on the rate of the euro, a single sleeping Warsaw-Kiev from miejscówką I paid about 300 zł. She also train Wrocław – Lviv started by PKP IC, but not zagłębiałem in details. Best regards

    Yuriy Сhernets said, July 07 7, 2012 , 13:39

    Hello Marcinie!

    A very treściwy comment! Myśle, that many people discover something new in this topic.

    Ukraine railways are a cheap medium and quite convenient, but unfortunately there are very organized and difficult on the part of the client.

    Best regards

diego wrote/MiG, July 07 29, 2012 , 01:43

I just double getaway in Ukrainian mountains in September and is, What I have read here, filled with me growing concerns. If the page is in fact so little reliable UZ (Although it looks pretty good), whether you use it? We plan to travel to Lviv, from there the train in the direction of Zakarpacia. We would like to collect these tickets the same day. Can I get some advice? 🙂

Best regards!

Yuriy Сhernets said, July 07 30, 2012 , 10:09

«UZ is where wirygodna, the information is there for real, but buy better tickets offices.

Tickets for short distance trains such as the Lviv-Uzhhorod is rather simple case, unless this is a period of saturation of the tourist, eq. Festival, concerts, or other large gathering of people.
Best regards

Alek napisał/ła, August 20, 2012 , 23:49

Just tried to buy tickets for the route Lviv – Ivano-Frankivsk by Internet. I tried with two cards, unsuccessfully. Each time a message:
“Транзакция запрещена I уровне платёжного шлюза. If you have a MasterCard Electronic, the, Unfortunately, such cards are accepted for payments over the Internet due to the limitations of payment system MasterCard. If you have another card type – обратитесь в службу поддержки.”
Regardless of the type of card. Well, remains of pray, that pane were tickets…

Yuriy Сhernets said, August 21, 2012 , 07:55

Yes, unfortunately, is with this system.
You can pray, but it came a little bit earlier unto myself;, rozejrzeli be, possibly an earlier train skillet.
Me la Muette de to Tuesday on the spot, so if you had to help with the purchase of, This is just in the next week.
Alternatively, zanocować, Lviv, Ukraine, If it was a problem. You will need accommodation can I help.
This route is probably smaller siege, so the chances of getting tickets are the same before the departure.

k0ziorozec wrote/MiG, August 21, 2012 , 12:44

This is now my impression:

I decided to start of August, that 1 September pojadę to Odessa from Rzeszowa. The first option:

train Rzeszów – Odessa (She twice daily bodajże 00.52 and 17.09 According to pkp.,and by Mrs. pane – every other day)
the cost for one person is 310zł

read the forums at zaczełam and trafiłam:

the party has the option (j). Polish, can be translated by google translate

price for connection to Lviv – Odessa najtanszą option is 100 hrywien (i.e. 44złotych)

A large difference, more efficient for me to get to Lviv bus (the entire journey of Rzeszów – Lviv is the cost at the moment 35zł – in the highest option) and thence to Odessa.

Do not buy these tickets I gave the Council's website, I have tried to pay róznymi cards – without the effect of the – have an error. Tickets disappear quickly on average approximately 7 – 10 per day (September is the beginning of the end of the season). Took after these tickets to Lviv, because I'm as close to (Although it took me a whole day), but at the same time, I buy the return.

4 tickets ( 2 x-Lviv – Odessa, 2x of Odessa – Lviv) cost me 406 hrywien – 165Gold.

Travel to Lviv and return to Rzeszowa – ok 100zł (for two persons)

Were I to buy the tickets in Poland: Rzeszów – Odessa, Odessa – Rzeszów wydałabym least 1200zł

And so this whole journey Rzeszów-Lviv- Odessa, Odessa Lviv-rzeszów a wage less than 300 Gold

The comparison is 😉

And one niemiła surprise, This page
She showed me, that kupe tickets (There are three classes of – luks – 2bed, coupe – 6bed, plackartnyj – kolonijny :(D)) will cost from Lviv to Odessa 250 hryvnia per two persons, and at hand mine mi zrzedła as I saw 720 hrywien.

So I took the cheapest. Long to take transactions, If not the mentioning of well after the next to help Polish ukraińsku. She then told me, that Mr. pane and information at the station of Lviv oblast are obrażone as someone does not speak ukraińsku, and reluctant to aid.

I will add yet: from the city to Lviv runs from Monday to Saturday, several times a day coach, 25normal ticket $
In September, is reported as saying he would not run on Saturdays, or less, the distribution page for pks przemyśl, but note: dzwońcie, bo on one page, and the realities of the second departure.

But you can from the city 9 get to the crossing point and where to catch the side ukraińskej to Lviv busika ok 10zł ticket per person

return from Lviv to the border busikiem 10zł

Message: Rather than give the mail, very please make use of the opportunities
You can write a message, lead discussions, include knowledge of the.

at the end of the: Ukraine is cheaper, but you must look around yourselves, Search targować. Because the prices are like in Poland near the station of Lviv.

uuyu wrote/MiG, August 21, 2012 , 19:18

Purchase tickets to this system works.The problem are owned by us.To buy a ticket, you must have a card with the security system 3 d. in Poland appears to be citi bank and of wbk.The other will not.A solution is to purchase a ticket for
( Here is the link, will be checked and published)
kupowałem to Odessa and without problem, I paid the regular card.Space you reserve and sam you choose.Unfortunately, they collect a Commission.Wyliczyłem ,that 17 hryvnia on the ticket,Although wrote,that I paid 60 hryvnia. you receive tickets in hand.Send the confirmation on the phone and e-mail
How do you want to be sure this unless you odżałowac a few hryvnia

uuyu wrote/MiG, August 29, 2012 , 12:49

a little bit of corrective statements to the predecessor.Now I am back to Odessa.Tickets purchased by page,who is waiting for the check.Odebrałem seamlessly from Lviv.
Now the corrigendum
kupe is 4 passenger compartment and its price in the zalezności from the train 125-160 However, it costs just as much as hryvnia. Lux.Płackartnyj not kolonijny,kosztuję circle only without compartments. 80 hrywien.
To take a lot of cash because there is Odessa really expensive.

    Yuriy Сhernets said, September 4, 2012 , 19:39

    I will try to find the page, just now I have enough free time to this, such companies probably exist, only must be certain to recommend, may today be longer tomorrow, in Ukraine, they are different stories. So one is this official, and then the podzielimy information.

    I have helped several larger groups by its already settled tickets for railways Ukrainian, So how do you need some assistance in leaving the guaranteed handling of tickets and delivery into the hands of, by służę.

    I agree that the Odessa in the summer is very expensive! so the money is you.

wurkut wrote/bathrooms, September 26, 2012 , 20:21

I will write about the purchase by e-kvytok (and basically about card payments), This is probably the solution to the problem. Personally, I bought, He fought with this my cousin, buy tickets for us at the time of the Euro from Kiev to Donetsk, then from Donetsk to Simferopol and back, and from Simferopol to Kiev, as in the capital of Crimea, our group was split. The purchase was made 7 May 2012.
There is a problem with payment card, ie. the transaction is not ended up successfully. Cousin thought, that something is wrong with a credit card, and filed a complaint with the Bank. After checking the employees of the Bank have stated, that card is all OK and on the Polish side is also all right, the problem lies on the side of the Ukrainian and that there is to know;) Fortunately, she found one qualified worker, that was the problem and suggested attempting to resolve. Well, in payments e-kvytoka we have to choose four banks, the default is set to Райффайзен Аваль Банк, by which payments do not pass. She suggested psyllium, to attempt by other banks. Cousin has chosen one of the Ukrainian, and if the transaction was accepted and no problem could purchase tickets. Reception at the box office in Kiev also was not a problem.
The Only “attraction” problems with payment was, that sour note to spots in machinery “coupe” (hot period Euro2012), and you had to buy those that survived places, that remained in plackarcie. But all in all, I have nice memories 😉

MirasZ wrote/bath, May 20, 2013 , 21:44

I have for sale 4 tickets from Lviv to seaside place to Simferopol. Departure from Lviv day 30.06.2013 time 9.38. arriving in Simeropola of the day 1.07.2013 time 9.50. in car No. 4 We place :
Price per ticket 80 zł.

If you are interested please contact.

pashka wrote/bath, June 9, 2013 , 20:24

Or can anyone realizes what price tickets from Lviv to Kiev? Best regards 🙂

Rafal wrote/bath, July 07 13, 2013 , 08:47

Hey, If anyone can provide a link to where the graphics in Polish will be explained a rail ticket, It's hard to fathom, What and where is written there… And can anyone explain what this for train status “Регіональний поїзд”, If there is a reservation or is it just for the city but elektriczka accelerated??

OlaK wrote/bath, August 20, 2013 , 18:49

Listen To, as it is from buying tickets on the website. I would like to buy tickets from Odessa to the city so that the 13.09 be in Lviv. Is this site turn works well? Or maybe it will be you can safely buy tickets on site? What do you advise?

    Yuriy Сhernets said, August 20, 2013 , 20:36

    In General, a lot of people have problems with Polish cards, Besides, the system works. On the spot it depends on what the term, but it is a high risk of, trains in Ukraine empty never jeżdża after a few reasons.
    If you need help, please write contact.

Greg wrote/bath, August 25, 2013 , 19:59

I have a question. How is it with this buying tickets over the internet? Where am I these tickets I pick up? And what do you think about at jechaniu angle of the blind in the last 2 week of September?

Kasia wrote/bath, March 24, 2014 , 20:17

15 June 10.35 lands in Kharkov (two adults and a child 12 years) and 25 June 10.35 am flight from Kharkov.
From there we plan to get to Odessa. What will be the cost of tickets? We also spend two days in Kiev. It could somehow combine zr together. greet

    Yuriy Сhernets said, March 25, 2014 , 18:10

    Hi, Cathy! Tickets cost around 50-80zł . It's hard to say how to connect, Odessa and Kiev is in different directions. You can go from Odessa to Kyiv by train in the same, and then to Kharkov. Best regards

Kasia wrote/bath, March 26, 2014 , 12:04

If this is the price one way for 3 people?
I think we'll opcę harków-odessa, Kiev leave on another trip.



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